Prof. Wadhwa elected Associate Program Chair for interest group, SMS

Prof. Anu Wadhwa
Prof. Wadhwa has been elected as Associate Program Chair of the Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) Interest Group (IG), one of the largest interest groups at SMS (Strategic Management Society) Conference.
Prof. Wadhwa will be part of the leadership team of the Interest Group for 3 years: in 2014 as Associate program Chair, in 2015 as Program Chair and as Chair of the IG in 2016. In her role as Associate Program Chair, Prof. Wadhwa will be primarily responsible for constructing a portion of the program for the IG at the annual International SMS conference, to be held in Madrid, Spain, September 20-23, 2014.
The IG leadership team consists of Stefano Brusoni (Program Chair) and Corey Phelps (Chair). The newly-elected reps-at-large include Marie Louise Mors (CBS), Chris Bingham (UNC), and Pinar Ozcan (Warwick). The returning reps-at-large include Lisa Gaerber (CBS), Charlie Williams (Bocconi) and Sheryl Winston-Smith (Temple).