Prof. Matthias Finger joins the editorial board of Utilities Policy

Matthias Finger© Beat Mathys

Matthias Finger© Beat Mathys

Prof. Matthias Finger has been appointed member of the Editorial Board of the prestigious Utilities Policy Journal, until end of 2016. In his role as Editorial Board Member he will review manuscripts in the fields of Strategy, Performance and Regulation and send recommendation for publication to the Editors.

About Utilities Policy:

Utilities Policy is the peer-reviewed journal for researchers, utility company professionals, financial analysts, and industry consultants. It publishes original research papers, review papers, viewpoints, as well as book reviews, about the entire range of utilities including coal, electricity, gas, oil, telecommunications, urban transport, water, waste, and renewable forms of energy.

Utilities Policy is a unique international journal covering economic, development, environmental, institutional, legal, liberalization, management, organisation, performance, planning, policy, pricing, privatization, regulation, and strategic issues across the broad spectrum of utilities. The journal addresses utilities in developed and developing countries, and offers a leading forum for the dissemination of in-depth analysis of key trends to those concerned with the effective management and development of utilities.