Prof. Laloui talks about innovation in Nouvelliste

© 2019 LMS EPFL
In an article in Le Nouvelliste, Prof. Lyesse Laloui talks about energy geostructures developed at the LMS.
The laboratory of soil mechanics (LMS) published a column in the real estate addon of the journal Le Nouvelliste. Prof. Lyesse Laloui takes this opportunity to talk about the innovations developed at LMS, and more precisely about energy geostructures.
Sometimes innovation finds itself hindered by the weight of the construction industry, rigid codes or simply outdated construction practices. Prof. Laloui highlights the importance of working together to reshuffle the status quo of current codes in order to make our buildings more innovative, smarter and more sustainable. Many technologies can contribute to our needs for sustainable constructions, and yet Switzerland, the most innovative country, still struggles sometimes to implement its own innovations. Energy geostructures for example, i.e. all concrete structures in contact with the ground, can be used to heat and cool our buildings thanks to the thermal energy of the underground. This integrated building solution can cover up to 80% of building needs, while limiting costs and CO2 emissions. Prof. Laloui also stresses the responsibility of EPFL to innovate but also, to tutor new generations and professionals.