Prof. Jean-Louis Scartezzini

© 2022 EPFL
Jean-Louis Scartezzini, Full Professor and Director of the Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory at ENAC since 1994, left on retirement on November 30th 2022.
Professor Jean-Louis Scartezzini, Full Professor of Building Physics in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, retired at the end of November 2022. Jean-Louis Scartezzini studied at EPFL before holding various posts at EPFL and at foreign universities. He returned to EPFL as an associate professor in 1994. His research investigates energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in the built environment; one of its aims is to reduce energy consumption by buildings. Jean-Louis Scartezzini has won many awards, has an impressive list of publications and has been elected to numerous committees because of his great expertise and international standing.
We warmly thank Professor Jean-Louis Scartezzini for his exceptional commitment to our School.