Prof Bloch wins the Tasker Prize 2019

© 2019 EPFL
Jocelyne Bloch was awarded the Tasker Award 2019, a very prestigious award of the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Congress.
The Tasker Prize was awarded during the 18th biennial meeting of the WSSFN, June 24-27 2019, to Prof Jocelyne Bloch in recognition for her research and innovation in the field of neuromodulation and spinal cord repair.
Swiss neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch, in charge of the functional neurosurgery unit at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) is an expert in deep brain stimulation and neuromodulation for movement disorders.
Very active in experimental medicine and translational neuroscience, she nourishes a profound interest in the development of new indications for DBS, and in advancing technologies and therapeutic paradigms in neuromodulation, neuro-regeneration, and cell therapy.
She performed both basic and translational research projects in the field of gene therapy and neuroregeneration. She acquired a substantial experience in experimental neurosurgery in multiple animal models of neurological disorders including stroke, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injury. She recently conducted a pioneer clinical study together with Prof Grégoire Courtine, on spatio-temporal neuromodulation therapies to improve locomotion after spinal cord injury in humans. This work was recognized and awarded by the world society of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery.
World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery -