Prizewinning students of Global Issues 2019 celebrate at ArtLab

Team "Energy A" (Ousmane Toure, Pierre-Louis Cramer, Tifaine Urban, Imene Hafiz and Pauline Boillat) © 2020 EPFL
At a celebration held on March 10th at EPFL’s ArtLab, the College of Humanities (CDH) recognized 11 of the best student posters from the 2019 Global Issues course. Project topics ranged from dental health and autonomous cars to food waste and open science.
In past years, the Global Issues award ceremony has been held at the SwissTech Convention Center, with an audience of hundreds of students and teachers and a keynote speech by a special guest. This year, containment measures linked to the coronavirus outbreak restricted the event to a smaller gathering the ArtLab DataSquare, but the downsizing failed to dampen the students’ sprits.
Before a celebratory aperitif, CDH Dean Béla Kapossy announced and congratulated the 11 student teams behind the best project posters from the 2019 course. The winners each received a CHF 200 prize.
Each year, more than 1,000 students from EPFL’s eight faculties and colleges participate in the CDH Global Issues course in the Social and Human Sciences (SHS) program. Classes are distributed over six interdisciplinary tracks: health, climate, food, energy, communication and mobility. The unique class format requires each one to be taught by two instructors from EPFL or the University of Lausanne – one from a scientific/engineering background, and the other from the human and social sciences.
Food A: “Red rice, all nice? La levure de riz rouge: efficace et sans risque ?” (Red yeast rice : effective and without risk?) by Odile Andres, Louise Font, Camille Frayssinhes, Prunelle Letang-Mathieu and Emma Mozer
Food B: “Une armée de cafards contre le gaspillage alimentaire” (An army of cockroaches against food waste) by Elsa Bernheim, Amandine Favre, Carl Johansson, Emma Most and Andrea Suarez Sagarra
Climate A: “La libération d’aérosols de sulfates dans l’atmosphère : une solution face à la hausse global des températures ?” (The release of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere: a solution to the global temperature rise?) by Ambre Deherde, Marie Dupont, Juan Martinez Benedetti, Mae Morrigia and Jessica Schneider
Climate B: “Un p’tit ver?” by Antonin Bruneau, Simeon Vareilles, Theo Pieri, Guillaume Schneider and Richard Ducker
Health A: “Tératogènes : medicaments à risque pendant la grossesse” (Teratogens: medicines of risk during pregnancy) by Antoine Avellaneda, Emmanuelle Denove, Anthony Rey, and Marco Zanasco
Health B: “Sommes-nous en dent-ger?” by Bilal Bouharrak, Arthur Depraz, Maxime Gitton, Julien Leuenberger and Lucas Tortora
Communication A: “Publications scientifiques: access restricted” by Jeanne Ballaguy, Yan Crevoisier, Linda Mauron, Tobias Monnard and Josephine Potdevin
Communication B: “On social media since birth” by Hafsa Aoutir, Iana Culic, Jeremy Dezalos and Ajkuna Seipi
Energy A: “L’obsolescence programmée: quels sont les enjeux ?” (Programmed obsolescence: what are the issues?) by Pauline Boillat, Pierre-Louis Cramer, Imene Hafiz, Ousmane Toure and Tifaine Urban
Energy B: “La maréthermie : une technologie au potentiel prometteur” (Ocean thermal energy: a technology with promising potential) by Louis Brun, Mehdi Mouden, Hippolyte Rauch, Pierre Schneider, and Alexandre Vincent
“The challenges of autonomous cars” by Dimitri Descloux, Antonin Faure, Nacer Hadni, Jamil Maj and Yann Schwaller