Priyaranjan Baral attends Global Young Scientists Summit - 2019
Priya Ranjan Baral with Prof. Barry Barish during one of the panel discussion sessions at the GYSS-2019
The Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) is an assembly organized every year to facilitate interaction and knowledge exchange between young researchers and top most experts in the field of science and technology. The tradition which started in 2013, celebrated the highly successful seventh edition this year. The multidisciplinary eminent speakers included 10 Nobel laureates in the field of Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology or Medicine, 3 Fields medalists, 2 Millennium technology awardees, and one Turing awardee. Early stage researchers such as PhDs and postdocs from all around the world attended this year’s event. The selection to this summit is highly exclusive, which includes evaluation of applications on multi stages.
Priya Ranjan Baral is a guest PhD student at the Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM), where he has been working on nanostructures of Skyrmion hosting compounds. His research also focuses on finding a room temperature Skyrmion host which could revolutionize the spintronics based memory devices. According to Mr. Baral, this event was one in a life time opportunity, giving a chance to learn from the experts, and at the same time discussing ideas with equally motivated peers.
This year’s event was kicked off with a fascinating inaugural lecture by Dr. Silvio Micali on Blockchains and the impact it may have on secured communications. The event which lasted for 5 days included lectures from world renowned scientists on all the natural sciences, as well as computer science and engineering. Apart from the regular lectures, there were panel discussions and small group discussions, which enabled the young researchers for a close ‘exchange of views’. To name a few, the lectures given by Prof. Barry Barish on “Gravitational waves” and Prof. Michael Levitt on “A wonderful life in Science” were among all the engaging lectures. The event not only had all these exciting talks but also site visits to different corners of the wonderful country of Singapore, giving all the participants a glimpse into the modern architecture and multi-cultural society of this beautiful republic. This well organized event has lived up to its motto, “Excite, Engage and Enable” from the time of its introduction and hopefully will keep up the tradition in the many years to come and help young researchers chase their dreams.