Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Applications

© 2022 EPFL
Doctoral Course - ENG-612
Inaugural edition of the doctoral course ENG-612, "Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Applications" has been organized during the whole week in Power Electronics Laboratory. PhD students from the doctoral program in Energy (EDEY), and mainly from non-electrical background, had a chance to learn about principles of operation of power electronics converters, used for renewable energy generation. Theoretical foundations were presented and immediately and experimentally put in practice using Power Electronics Teaching Setups (PETS). This has allowed for direct hands-on experience with digital control in power electronics applied to DC-DC (PV MPPT Booster) and DC-AC grid connected converters. The goal is to establish this course as regular annual offering for EPFL as well as for external PhD students.
Congratulations to all participants and all the best with the rest of your PhD studies.