Poster awards for PVLAB and CSEM at the national PV congress

© 2021 EPFL

© 2021 EPFL

PVLAB member Jordan Holweger got a poster award at the Swissolar national PV congress in Bern from 1 to 2 July 2021. The poster advertises a simple and effective heat pump control algorithm for PV applications. The CSEM team lead by Christophe Ballif also got a poster award for their work on back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells and modules.

The 21st national PV congress was held 1st and 2nd of July 2021. Several PVLAB members had the chance to present their work in plenary talks (Christophe Ballif, Audrey Morisset, and Laure-Emmanuelle Perret). The other PVLAB researchers were presenting several posters. The poster entitled "A heuristic indicator-based heat pump control algorithm" got a poster prize on this occasion. It advertises a simple and effective algorithm that could be implemented on a micro-controller. Thus the algorithm would be ready for a direct application.