PhD & SNSF Post-doctoral Fellowship for Shenghan Zhang
Congratulations to Shenghan
Shenghan Zhang defended successfully his PhD thesis “Micro-mechanical finite element modeling for in-plane behavior of historical masonry”. The members of his committee were Prof. Gabriele Milani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Prof. Xiaodan Ren (Tongji University, China), Prof. Jean-François Molinari (EPFL), Prof. Alexandre Alahi (EPFL, exam president) and Prof. Katrin Beyer (advisor).
Shenghan also won a SNSF post-doctoral fellowship. With this fellowship he will join the new group of Prof. Matthew DeJong at UC Berkeley and will develop new components for modelling of unreinforced masonry structures by means of discrete elements.
Shenghan’s articles can be accessed through or through the following infoscience link.
Shenghan's PhD studies have been supported by the grant no. 200021_140973/1 of the Swiss National Science Foundation.