PEL PhD Thesis - Ms. Xiaotong Du

© 2023 EPFL

© 2023 EPFL

Modeling and Optimization of PCB Coils for Inductive Power Transfer Systems

Ms. Xiaotong Du has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis, titled "Modeling and Optimization of PCB Coils for Inductive Power Transfer Systems". The examination committee was composed of Prof. Farhad Rachidi-Haeri (EPFL, Switzerland), Prof. Ziwei Ouyang (DTU, Denmark), Dr. Vladan Lazarevic (ABB Corporate Research Center, Switzerland), and supported by Prof. Andreas Burg (EPFL, Switzerland). The thesis deals with the modeling and optimization of PCB coils for inductive power transfer systems as auxiliary power supplies for medium voltage converters.
Xiaotong will soon join ABB Traction, Switzerland, working on power electronics conversion technologies for railway applications.
Congratulations Xiaotong!