Pathways to Net zero CO2 and security supply - new report by SAAS

report © 2022 SAAS
Switzerland has committed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, an ambitious target that can only be reached thanks to rapid and concerted action, as shown in a new report by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences co-authored by Prof. Jean-Louis Scartezzini.
The report "Swiss Energy System 2050: Pathways to Net Zero CO2 and Security and Supply" (download here), introduces the 5R concept for reaching net zero in 2050 (Reduce demand, Ramp up efficiency, Replace fossil carbon-based fuels, Recover materials and waste energy, Remove emissions from the atmosphere) and goes on to show transition options for all major energy sectors. Recommendations encompass developments in distribution grids and networks, energy storage, negative emission options, closing material cycles and digitalization but also the policies needed for rapid implementation.
Prof. Scartezzini was interviewed on this topic in the RTS program Forum of August 18, 2022. Listen under (interview in French). Video: