Participation in the exhibition « Isle of models »

Isle of models © 2018 Olivier Christinat / Archizoom
Organized by Archizoom from September 22 to December 8, 2018, under the aegis of curators Nadja Maillard and Cyril Veillon, the exhibition "Isle of models" examines the issues of scale, relying on models produced by EPFL's architectural studios, including several from the Prof. Emmanuel Rey.
During the time of the next semester exhibition, Archizoom will be an archipelago hosting a large selection of models made in our studios. What are the sequential roles of the model in the project process? Is it a tool of control, transition, promotion? Is it an object in itself? How do changes in scale occur? What about the dialectic of big and small in the era of big data, BIM and all-digital? These are some of the sub-texts of this focus on “ordres de grandeur”.
The publication of “Questions d’échelle” serves as a pre-text for the event, operating as a collection of texts gathered around the theme and some of which will be put in relation with the objects on display. From these fortuitous encounters between literary quotations and models will emerge many reflections on the issues inherent in the search of the total control of space and time.
The models presented in this context by the architectural design studio of Prof. Emmanuel Rey was realized during the "LIVING PERIPHERY" studio, which focused on the creation of new suburban neighborhoods close to public transport. The didactic approach, which has sought to conceive - from the urban project to the constructive detail - a new dense and mixed pole, fully meets the theme of the exhibition.