Over 800 pupils guided through the Solar Impulse Exhibition

© 2015 EPFL
As a side event to the First Round-the-World Solar Flight with 0 fuel on-board, the VPSI, SPE and SPS collaborated on the organization of an exhibition with guided tours for primary classes (6-8th grades) and high-school classes enabling them to discover the Solar Impulse 2 high technologies and challenges.
From mid-March to end of May 2015 classes were guided through the exhibition by EPFL students, learning about the different materials, the solar cells and engines performance optimization, or the adventurers' way of life. The trained EPFL students answered their questions, showed high school students some laboratories and conducted workshops for primary classes enabling youngsters to construct a plane with a solar-powered propeller.
Around 800 pupils (600 from primary grades and 230 from upper classes grades) discovered how EPFL engineers contributed to the development of the Solar Plane. During high-school students' Days, 500 students participated to hanghouts and could ask their questions directly to the staff located at the Solar Impulse Headquarter in Monaco.
These visits met with great success:
« Ce message pour vous remercier ainsi que votre collègue pour la visite guidée d'hier matin et l'activité proposée aux élèves. C'était fort intéressant et nos élèves ont eu beaucoup de plaisir. »
« J’aimerais vous féliciter et vous remercier ainsi que toute l’équipe qui a travaillé pour l’accueil des élèves et l’atelier qui leur a été proposé. Ils ont été ravis de la construction du petit avion et ils ont trouvé les explications et l’exposition très intéressantes. Moi-même, j’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à vivre cette visite qui est un des moments privilégiés de découvertes et d’enrichissement pour nos jeunes élèves parmi d’autres et qui touche à du concret. »
The exhibition is still accessible to the public until November, from Monday to Friday 6h30 to 21h00 and Saturdays from 7h00 to 18h00. Location: EPFL, CO. Free entrance.