Open Positions in our platform !

© 2022 EPFL

© 2022 EPFL

We will have 3 Master projects and 1 internship positions available for 2023 !

The Bioengineering & Organoids technology platform, located in AGORA Cencer Research Center, will have 3 temporary positions available for 2023:

  • Master project #1: Development of an automated tissue clearings workflow for high-throughput 3D characterization of cancer organoid models

  • Master project #2: Machine learning and imaging-based feedback for ‘smart’ cancer organoids culture automation (joint project with EPFL Center for Imaging)

  • Master project #3 : 3D printed stamps for 3D cell culture: characterization and high-throughput implementation

  • Development Engineer: Building of a proprietary microfluidic-based system for the automated culture and dynamic stimulation of stem cells, organoids, and tissue explants

You can find more information on these 3 positions on our open-position webpage.