Open Access: Three new transformative agreements

In the frame of the Swiss national strategy on Open Access, transformative agreements have been signed by swissuniversities with academic publishers American Institute of Physics (AIP), Institute of Physics (IOP), and IEEE for 2022-2024.
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Starting in January 2022, EPFL affiliated authors will publish in Hybrid Open Access journals at no cost. EPFL community will have an unlimited access to all AIP journals and their backfiles. During the contract term, the number of Open Access articles taken in charge is restricted at a national level (2022:136, 2023:140, and 2024:142 publications, respectively). If in any year the maximum number of articles included in the agreement is exceeded, or if the eligibility of the authors has not been validated by EPFL, the publishing invoice will be directly sent to authors.
Institute of Physics (IOP)
From January 2022, EPFL affiliated authors can publish in Hybrid Open Access journals at no cost, and no limit in 57 titles within IOPscience extra plus 18 fully OA titles. EPFL community will also have access to 84 titles within IOPscience extra plus 18 fully OA titles.
The agreement includes read access to the IEEE Electronic Library (Journals, Conference Proceedings and Standards) plus 44 APC tokens per year to publish in Gold Open Access journals, in total 132 APC tokens for the 37-months agreement. The yearly APC tokens can be used by all swiss licence participants on a first come, first serve basis. If they are not used up in one year they will be transferred to the next year.
Any question?
Contact [email protected] (Electronic Resources team) for more information on accessible journals.
Contact [email protected] (Publish Support team) for more information on Open Access and publishing options.
For any further information about negotiations with academic publishers, please visit