One new associate professor appointed at SB

© 2018 EPFL
At its meeting of 16-17 May 2018, the ETH Board has announced the appointment of Yimon Aye as Associate Professor of Chemistry in the School of Basic Sciences (SB).

Yimon Aye was named as Associate Professor of Chemistry in the School of Basic Sciences (SB), starting from August the 1st .
Yimon Aye’s research focuses on electrophilic signals and the control of genome replication. Understanding the electrophilic signaling mechanisms that affect proteins function allows the modulation of various biological processes, including cell aging, cell decay, immune reactions and the protection of genetic material. Thanks to her innovative research programs in the fields of organic chemistry, biological chemistry and life sciences, Yimon Aye’s laboratory at EPFL will play a global leading role in biological chemistry.