Nominations of EPFL professors

© 2017 EPFL

© 2017 EPFL

The Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology has announced the appointment of six professors at EPFL.

Professor Katrin Beyerwas named as Associate Professor of Structural Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC).
Katrin Beyer is acknowledged to be one of the world’s leading scientists in the field of earthquake-resistant construction. She gained recognition for her results on the safety of unreinforced masonry structures, for example, and her findings are now included in internationally observed guidelines. In addition, she is known for her pioneering experimental approach and her ability to work on multidimensional problems.
Dr Dolaana Khovalyg was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Energy and Building Systems Technology in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC)and will join EPFL in September 2018.
Dolaana Khovalyg’s research focuses on boiling behaviour in microchannel heat exchangers (MCHX). Her results are helping to reduce the size and mass of these heat exchangers and develop compact models for heating buildings efficiently. Other research in the field of flow behaviour examines ways to find new solutions in terms of ventilation. This appointment complements EPFL's activities at the smart living lab on the Fribourg site.
Professor Daniel Kressner was named as Full Professor of Mathematics in the School of Basic Sciences (SB).
Daniel Kressner is a leading global specialist in numerical linear algebra and its use in high-performance computers. Algorithms he developed are now used throughout the world, providing solutions to questions that were previously impossible to answer even with the fastest computers. Daniel Kressner also has the rare gift of mastering the mathematical foundations of high-performance computing as well as the technical aspects of implementation.
Professor Pedro Miguel Reis was named as Full Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering (STI).
Pedro Miguel Reis is a multi-award-winning expert in the mechanics and physics of solids and structures and in the stability of thin objects. His research, which combines theory, numerical simulation and experimentation, find application in many fields such as geothermal energy and the construction industry, and offers new orientations in mechanical engineering and technology.
Professor Emmanuel Rey was named as Associate Professor of Architecture and Sustainable Construction Technologies in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC).
Through his multiple works, Emmanuel Rey makes significant contributions to the development of knowledge and methodologies for the sustainability of the built environment. His widely recognized approach is based on the integration of environmental parameters as well as sociocultural and economic aspects in urban design and architectural projects. This interdisciplinary approach facilitates novel and dynamic collaboration between architects and engineers at the interface of design and technology.
Professor Ali H. Sayed was named as Full Professor of Electrical Engineering and Electronics in the School of Engineering (STI).
Ali Sayed is a scientist who has won many awards. For many years, his research has concentrated on signal theory, with a focus on energy conservation and the use of adaptive filters. On taking up his post at EPFL, Ali Sayed is to assume the vacant position of Dean of the School of Engineering. He stands out for his clear understanding of the tasks and future directions of engineering in the 21st century. These include sustainable energy production and the convergence of the virtual and physical world as well as of electronics and biology.