Nominations of EPFL professors

© 2019 EPFL
Congratulations to the four new appointed Neuroscience Professors!
Dr Alexander Mathis was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences (SV)

Alexander Mathis is a scientist who has already has already made significant contributions. He investigates the processing of neural data and the mechanisms for encoding adaptive behaviour in the brain. His achievements include developing a well-regarded theory on the coordinated activity of grid cells. He has also obtained results relating to the encoding of olfactory stimuli and adaptive behaviour in motor control. By appointing Alexander Mathis, EPFL is gaining important expertise at the interface of theory and experimental methods.
Dr Mackenzie Mathis was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences (SV)

At a young age, Mackenzie Mathis has attracted considerable attention internationally with her work towards understanding the neural mechanisms that enable bodily movements to recalibrate constantly. Among other achievements, she developed the first behavioural model for investigating motor adjustments in the movement sequences of mice, and discovered that the somatosensory cerebral cortex plays a key role here. Mackenzie Mathis and her research approaches are an excellent fit with existing research activities at EPFL. She will hold the Bertarelli Foundation Chair in integrative neuroscience.
Professor Jocelyne Bloch was named as Adjunct Professor at EPFL in the School of Life Sciences (SV)

Jocelyne Bloch is an internationally acclaimed neurosurgeon and neuroscientist. She collaborates closely with EPFL on various projects. Her formal integration into the Federal Institute reinforces the importance of clinical research for EPFL's research projects.
Dr Graham Knott was named as Adjunct Professor at EPFL in the School of Life Sciences (SV)

Graham Knott is head of the technology platform at the Faculty of Life Sciences for the use of electron microscopes in biological research. As a researcher he has made key contributions to the understanding of the structure of neuronal synapses in the brain.