Nomination of one new Tenure Track Assistant Professor at SB

© 2020 EPFL
At its meeting of 4-5 March 2020, the ETH Board has named Dr. Pasquale Scarlino as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the School of Basic Sciences (SB)
Dr Pasquale Scarlino was named as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Physics from the 1st of October 2020
Pasquale Scarlino is a talented young experimental physicist with great potential. His main focus is on quantum dots for spin qubits, a promising technology for quantum computers. The results he has already achieved have provided a real stimulus in the area of circuit quantum electrodynamics based on semiconductor quantum dots, and have attracted international attention. At EPFL, Pasquale Scarlino will build on this foundation and press ahead in the field of hybrid quantum circuits.