Nomination of four new Professors at SB

Profs. L. Chizat, V. Gorbenko, G. Moschidis, Ph. Schwaller
At its meeting of 14-15 July 2021, the ETH Board has appointed Dr Lénaïc Chizat, Dr Victor Gorbenko, Dr Georgios Moschidis, and Dr Philippe Schwaller as new Tenure-Track Assistant Professors at the School of Basic Sciences (SB).

Dr Lénaïc Chizat currently Research Associate at Paris-Saclay University, France, was named as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics, starting from the 1st of September.
Lénaïc Chizat’s research covers the analysis, development and optimisation of algorithms, particularly those applied to machine learning. This highly competitive area presents one of the major challenges for applied mathematics over the coming years. Lénaïc Chizat and his research programme are at the cutting edge of this field of study. Thanks to his appointment, EPFL will also be able to offer new courses and strengthen connections and interchange between different areas of mathematics.

Dr Victor Gorbenko currently Research Fellow at Stanford University, USA, was named as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Physics, starting from the 1st of February 2022.
Victor Gorbenko's main domain of activity is Quantum Field Theory, with important implications to particle physics, cosmology and condensed matter physics. His research has already contributed to important scientific findings, in particular in the area quantum chromodynamics, where he characterized the dynamics of color fluxtubes, and in the study of renormalization group flows, where he invented the notion of Complex Conformal Field Theory. This young, very talented physicist shows exceptional potential and has the necessary abilities to succeed at EPFL, where he will also foster interconnection among different areas of fundamental physics.

Dr Georgios Moschidis currently Research Fellow at the University of California, USA, was named as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics, starting from the 1st of September 2022.
Georgios Moschidis’ work relates to the general theory of relativity and his research has already achieved important scientific results in areas such as Friedmann equations and anti-de Sitter space. This brilliant mathematician, who excels in the area of analysis and the general theory of relativity, has achieved an international reputation at an early age. His presence will enhance EPFL’s efforts in this field and is also likely to attract students from a variety of disciplines.

Dr Philippe Schwaller currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Bern, was named as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Chemistry, starting from the 1st of February 2022.
Philippe Schwaller investigates how chemical processes can be simulated using artificial intelligence (AI). His research has a particular focus on the challenge of using artificial chemical intelligence to facilitate the discovery of new catalysts and organic materials. This talented researcher has invented important ways of applying AI methods. He belongs to a new generation of scientists with a very wide-ranging set of skills – in his case a combination of experimental research, computer science, materials science and chemistry.