Nina's paper on Acinetobacter baumannii DNA defense is out

© 2023 EPFL
Congratulations to former PhD student Nina Vesel on her second 1st author publication.
Our latest publication by Vesel et al. titled DNA modifications impact natural transformation of Acinetobacter baumannii was recently published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research.
First author of this paper is former PhD student Nina Vesel and the work is coauthored by our bioinformatician Alexandre Lemopoulos, our collaborators Christian Iseli & Nicolas Guex from the Bioinformatics Competence Center (BICC) of EPFL and UNIL, and the head of the lab, Melanie Blokesch as correpsponding senior author.
Congratulations to all authors!
Funding was provided by:
* Swiss National Science Foundation NRP grant in the context of the National Research Program 72 on Antimicrobial Resistance [407240_167061] to M.B.
* An individual project grant by the SNSF to M.B. [310030_204335].
* M.B. is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) International Research Scholar [55008726].
* Funding for Open Access charge was provided by SNSF.
Vesel N., Iseli C., Guex N., Lemopoulos A., Blokesch M. (2023) DNA modifications impact natural transformation of Acinetobacter baumannii. Nucleic Acids Res., gkad377, doi:10.1093/nar/gkad377.