Nicolas Turin awarded the Polysphère d'Or 2017

Nicolas Turin © Christian Brun, EPFL
During the Graduation Ceremony, the AGEPoly has presented the Polysphère d’Or to Nicolas Turin, teacher in the Physics Section.
Every year, during the Graduation Ceremony, the students honour the best teacher of each faculty with a polysphere. The teacher who obtains the highest mark in the vote receives the Polysphère d’Or.
This year, the Polysphère d’Or has been awarded to Nicolas Turin who is involved in different courses of the Physics Section. He fosters a special contact with the students, as he is close to them as soon as they arrive at EPFL. Indeed, Nicolas Turin assists the 1st year metrology course, which allows him to get to know them and also them to know him. In 2nd and 3rd year, they are also in contact during the practical work sessions. ‘I deeply enjoy exchanging with them and following their progress’, rejoices Nicolas Turin.
In addition, Nicolas Turin teaches the course ‘Introduction to construction technics’ together with Florian Bernard (mechanical engineer at IPHYS) and Antonio Gentile (ET technician at SPH). Students learn in this course to design parts, to make them in the mechanical workshop, and to build electronic circuits. ‘Students are generally interested and motivated since the course is optional’.
‘After almost 10 years spent with the students, this award deeply touches me and I feel like continuing to invest myself for them’, concludes Nicolas Turin.