Nicolas Monod wins 2015 Berwick Prize

© 2015 EPFL
Professor Nicolas Monod at EPFL has been awarded the 2015 Berwick Prize by the London Mathematical Society.
The Prize is shared with Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace of Université Catholique de Louvain, and recognizes the two scientists for two important papers published in 2009 in the Journal of Topology. The two 40-page papers contain foundational and significant work that advances state-of-the-art CAT(0) geometry, facilitating extensive applications in geometry, topology, group theory, and in other related fields. Notably, these are currently the journal’s highest-cited papers.
A press release from the London Mathematical Society states: “In these papers Caprace and Monod extend the rich classical theory of lattices in semi-simple groups as well as extensions proved by Gromov and others. They prove product decomposition theorems (algebraic and geometric) in the spirit of de Rham; symmetric spaces and Euclidean buildings emerge beautifully from the condition that stabilisers at infinity act co-compactly on the interior (generalising classical rank rigidity results).”
The Berwick Prize and the Senior Berwick Prize are two prizes of the London Mathematical Society awarded in alternating years in memory of W.E.H. Berwick, a previous vice-president of the Society who also donated the money to establish the two prizes. The prizes are awarded “in recognition of an outstanding piece of mathematical research [...] published by the Society” in the previous eight years."
Caprace P-E, Monod N. Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: structure theory.J Topology (2009). 2 (4): 661-700. DOI: 10.1112/jtopol/jtp026
Caprace P-E, Monod N. Isometry groups of non-positively curved spaces: discrete subgroups.J Topology (2009). 2 (4): 701-746 doi:10.1112/jtopol/jtp027