New Strategic Partners
9 companies joined SCCER-FURIES as strategic partners and particularly the digitalization related activities
The Management office of SCCER-FURIES is glad to welcome 9 new Strategic partners to our center. This brings the number of our strategic partners to 29 reflecting the evolution of the center to more market- and technology transfer-oriented activities than phase I (2014-2016). This is particularly true given that Strategic partners distinguish themselves from our 51 Industrial partners thanks to their corporate vs business unit involvement. Even more, most of these partners are involved in our recently launched Digitalization activities confirming the alignment of the center to the market needs.
Therefore, we are happy to introduce our partners below along with their contribution to the center activities:
a) Utilities
Azienda Eletrrica di Massagno (AEM): AEM is a company based in Massagno while serving another 9 municipalities in Capriasca and upper Vedeggio. Power supply exceeds 57 million kWh.
In SCCER-FURIES, AEM will be involved in research and demonstration activities on managing flexibility on the low and medium voltage grid, building DSO skills and developing and testing new business models.
Energies Sion Région (ESR): ESR is the largest distributor of electrical energy in Valais. ESR also assumes mandates, management of hydroelectric development, water supply, natural gas, and multimedia services.
In SCCER-FURIES, ESR will be involved in research and demonstration activities on demand-side management.
Arbon Energie: Arbon Energie is the distribution network of the canton of Thurgau proving services such as power supply, district heating, and telecommunication.
In SCCER-FURIES, Arbon Energie will be involved in research and demonstration activities on big energy data analysis and visualization for grid management purposes.
Services Industriels de Genève (SIG): SIG provides essential services to 225’000 clients at the Canton of Geneva, including the supply of energy, water, gas, and thermal energy. SIG treats wastewater and provides services at the domains of telecommunication too.
In SCCER-FURIES, SIG will be involved in research an demonstration activities on the integration of Smart meter data and grid measurement devices data for grid operation applications.
b) Service providers:
Adaptricity: Adaptricity is a producer of innovative software for grid operators to automate repetitive tasks.
In SCCER-FURIES, Adaptricity will be involved in grid planning and grid operation strategies activities for enabling the integration of high renewable energy sources shares.
Electrinfo: Electrinfo is based in Sierre and is active in the areas of energy and information technology providing services during all phases of development of the technical project.
In SCCER-FURIES, Electrinfo will be involved in research activities on data-driven analytics.
Smart Energy Link (SEL): SEL offers solar power and intelligent energy control solution in buildings.
In SCCER-FURIES, SEL will be involved in research activities on PV production and load forecasting, mainly on the short term.
VelaSolaris: VelaSolaris is a developer of a software platform for the simulation-based planning, designing and optimizing of comprehensive energy systems for buildings and districts.
In SCCER-FURIES, VelaSolaris will be involved in research activities on decentralized load and power generation forecasting through machine learning.
c) Research center
Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE) of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU): HSLU is a university of applied sciences that is supported by the six cantons of Central Switzerland. The IEE of HSLU works on the intersection between ICT and power grids.
In SCCER-FURIES, IEE of HSLU will be involved in research activities on digitalization of the energy sector, microstructures and data management.