New preprint: a simple untrained model of language in the brain

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Brain-Like Language Processing via a Shallow Untrained Multihead Attention Network

In 2021 we were surprised to find that untrained language models are already decent predictors of activity in the human language system ( Badr figured out the core components underlying the alignment of untrained models: tokenization and aggregation. With these findings, we built a simple untrained network "SUMA" with state-of-the-art alignment to brain and behavioral data -- this feature encoder provides representations that are then useful for efficient language modeling. Directly mapping our model onto the brain, these results characterize the human language system as a generic feature encoder that aggregates incoming sensory representations for downstream use. If you disagree we hope you consider breaking our model (soon on Brain-Score/Github).

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