New IEEE Transactions papers
Three LIONS papers have been recently accepted to the IEEE Transactions. Two of them to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and one of them to IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (special issue on inference and learning over networks).
Three LIONS papers have been recently accepted to the IEEE Transactions Journals and will be published in 2016.
Two of them to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, one titled “Limits on Support Recovery with Probabilistic Models: An Information-Theoretic Framework” by J. Scarlett and V. Cevher, and the other titled “Group-sparse model selection: Hardness and relaxations” by L. Baldassarre, N. Bhan, V. Cevher, and A. Kyrillidis (alphabetical order).
The third one is accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (special issue on inference and learning over networks) titled “On the Difficulty of Selecting Ising Models with Approximate Recovery” by J. Scarlett and V. Cevher.