New Futures – Diverse perspectives for girls and boys

During the 10th anniversary of New Future which was celebrated in Berne on 10th November 2010, Pascale Bruderer, President of the National Counsel, Isabelle Chassot, State Counselor and President of the Swiss Conference for cantonal public instruction managers and Franziska Schwarz, Vice manager of the Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology recalled the importance in the choice of a profession free of gender stereotypes.

On this occasion, short video sequences showing the professional career of a computer scientist, a physicist and an early childhood educator recalled the importance of such actions. Marilyne Andersen plays her own role: the one of a physicist. The short film "My job, my passion… Your future?" was realized within that framework. To access a sequence of the film, click here.

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For more information, contact Mrs Joëlle Rebetez, Coordinator for French speaking Switzerland for the project Future of all types, tel. 079 824 31 63.