New advanced imaging systems available at BIOP

BIOP © 2022 EPFL
Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet and LSM980 now available at the Bioimaging and Optics Platform (BIOP).
We are happy to let you know that two new advanced imaging systems are now available at the BIOP:
The Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet microscope is an instrument which is based on a development in the lab of Eric Betzig and is ideally suited to do fast and gentle live cell imaging of cells and small organisms.
The Zeiss LSM980 is a state of the art confocal microscope with the possibility to image below the diffraction limit due to the Airy scan technology and with a spectral range extending to the near infrared region (NIR).
Both systems are up and running, so do not hesitate to get in contact with the BIOP in case you want to discuss how your project can benefit from these outstanding technologies.