Need a personalized training? Book a librarian!



Do you need help with effective information search, generating a one-click bibliography with Zotero or learning how to avoid plagiarism? Make an appointment with a teaching librarian on the platform Book a Librarian!

Whether writing a semester paper or a thesis, you may have wasted time and energy finding relevant information, adopting the right tools to work effectively on your own or in a group, understanding how to reuse content legally...

Next time you are confronted with this type of question, do not hesitate to ask the help of EPFL teaching librarians. Visit the new platform Book a Librarian to book your personalized training session. You can benefit from the Library expertise in a wide range of information management issues. The sessions are free and open to individuals or small groups. In principle, they take place at the Library, but teaching librarians can also meet you in your office.

Author: Bibliothèque de l'EPFL

Source: Library