National Strategy on Open Access

© 2018 EPFL
Swiss universities and higher education institutions have adopted a National Open Access Strategy, which aims in particular to allow free access by 2024 to all publications funded by public authorities.
Swissuniversities have developed an action plan.
One of the first steps concerns negotiations with the following publishers: SPRINGER NATURE, ELSEVIER and WILEY.
Following other countries' example (NL, Austria...), Swissuniversities intends to integrate in the licences negotiated with publishers, the possibility for swiss researchers to publish in Open Access without additional costs. The "Read and Publish" model, a unique contract with the publisher, including both access to journals and publication in open access, will be favored in future negotiations.
EPFL, like all Swiss universities and colleges, agreed in principle to actively support and collaborate in these negotiations.
The EPFL Library closely monitors the negotiations' progress and is available for further information.