MT180: Stella Laperrousaz convinced the audience and won a prize!

Finale suisse du concours MT180 à l'UNIFR © 2024 CUSO

Finale suisse du concours MT180 à l'UNIFR © 2024 CUSO

During the Swiss Final of the competition "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" that took place last Thursday at the University of Fribourg, Stella Laperrousaz, EPFL PhD student at the Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fibre Devices won the audience prize for her presentation "Développement de fibres électroniques et optoélectroniques souples par étirage à chaud". 

Congratulations to the 16 finalists for their great presentation and many thanks to the organizers for this superb edition !

More detailed information on the website of the organizer

Video of the final (in French)