Modification of Sesame notification sending

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

Changes for Absences and supplier invoices.

The “Email settings” tile present in the Sesame portal home page has a new look. In fact, it is now possible to choose the frequency of notifications depending on the applications.

When the “Type” column indicates “Task”, this indicates a task to validate in the “My Tasks” tile. “Notifications” means that an information is sent by email.

New feature - The “Frequency” column allows you to choose the frequency of notifications:

  • “instant”: as soon as a task is created, an email is sent
  • “grouped”: an email is sent twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays with all the tasks that have not yet been processed
  • “no mail”: no email is sent, but the task is present in the “My tasks” tile

For Absences and Supplier Invoices, it is now possible to choose instant sending. By default, the frequency remains on “grouped”.

Tips :

  • If a tile does not appear in the Sesame portal, do not hesitate to use the “reset home page” function by clicking on the man at the top right or to use the “app finder”.
  • Customizing your Sesame portal is explained here. For example, to add the “Invoice Tracking” tile directly to the Sesame home page.