Meet the ReO members! Episode 9 - Eva Servoli

© Eva Servoli

© Eva Servoli

Meet the ReO members! is a series aimed at introducing the EPFL Research Office members. Meet Eva Servoli, Programme Manager, in the ninth episode!

How would you describe yourself in a few words?

I’m a former materials scientist who is passionate about art and has always been interested in understanding how “things” work, in science and in society. And I like saying that I am “made in Italy” but also made to live internationally.

What has been your career path?

A physicist with a PhD in Materials Engineering, I have always worked in international environments, at the interface between technology and life science and between academia and industry. After more than 5 years in the R&D department of a large corporation in the Netherlands and a few start-ups in Switzerland, I eventually left the bench to work as a grant writer for a consulting firm before becoming a grant advisor and eventually joining the Research Office at EPFL.

What does a Programme Manager do at the EPFL Research Office?

I help EPFL researchers get the information they need to apply for the Horizon Europe calls and manage their European grants. The core of my job is to translate the “bureaucratic” language of the funding agency into clear messages for the EPFL community. This is particularly critical nowadays as Switzerland participates in Horizon Europe as a Third Country. Last but not least, I am also one of the Company Advisors of Euresearch, the Swiss network of European research and innovation. In this role, I help innovative companies in the canton of Vaud identify the best funding opportunities for their needs and navigate their journey from application to grant management.

What is driving you in your job?

I have been lucky enough to study and work under the the support of European grants in the past. It is now my time to give back what I received, so that many more researchers and innovators can benefit from these opportunities and get the funding they need to grow. And the best is that I can do so as part of a team of great colleagues, in an environment rich in cooperation and knowledge sharing.

What are the main challenges you are facing on a daily basis?

My job is very varied, which often implies switching from one task to the other very rapidly, and time management is a necessary skill. This also brings the reward of interacting with many different people and the opportunity of continued learning.

Outside EPFL, what do you enjoy doing the most?

I love hiking. This can be in the Swiss mountains, in my Dolomites, or in the volcanic islands of the Mediterranean or the Atlantic; it always gives me a lot of energy and peace of mind.

What are your life and/or career aspirations?

Feeling a sense of purpose in what I do, enjoying family and friends, and hiking Sentiero Italia!

Meet the rest of the team!