Meet the ReO members! Episode 15 - Patricia Marti

© 2023 EPFL

© 2023 EPFL

Meet the ReO members! is a series aimed at introducing the EPFL Research Office members. Meet Patricia Marti, Awards Manager, in the fifteenth episode!

How would you describe yourself in a few words?

My name is Patricia and I am the Awards Manager in the National and non-for-profit funding team within the Research Office. I am glad to assist in recognizing and celebrating the outstanding achievements and contributions of EPFL researchers.

What has been your career path?

After working in the commerce sector, I joined EPFL over 15 years ago. I began my journey in laboratories and later transitioned to the role of a reporting officer for the NCCR Synapsy. Currently, as an Awards Manager, I have found the perfect fit for my skills and interests. This career progression has allowed me to gain valuable experiences and contribute effectively to the recognition and support of researchers at EPFL.

What does an “Awards Manager” do at the EPFL Research Office?

Through guidance, nomination management, coordination of selection committees, and effective communication, the Awards Manager works closely with the EPFL Research Awards Commission, the candidates and the donors.

What is driving you in your job?

As an Awards Manager at the EPFL Research Office, I find satisfaction in contributing to the recognition and celebration of researchers' achievements. Several factors drive me in my job, and they all revolve around supporting researchers and promoting a culture of excellence and the desire to make a positive impact on researchers' careers.

What are the main challenges you are facing on a daily basis?

Dealing with multiple individuals and managing several awards simultaneously; coordinating with different researchers, committee members, and stakeholders and ensuring that each award process runs smoothly and meets deadlines can be demanding. Despite the challenges, at the end of the day, it is always rewarding to see deserving researchers being recognized for their hard work and contributions.

Outside EPFL, what do you enjoy doing the most?

Outside of EPFL, I would say, being outdoors, whether it's going hiking or skiing, either alone or with my family. However, I am also someone who appreciates indoor activities, such as playing board games and doing jigsaw puzzles with thousands of pieces.

What are your life and/or career aspirations?

My life and career aspirations revolve around working in a collaborative and engaging environment that fosters growth and knowledge sharing; This is what I have found within my group!

Meet the rest of the team!