"matières" magazine tackles the end of architecture

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

The new issue of "matières" brings together essays in which an 'end' to architecture - historical or current - is analysed and interpreted. A publication directed by Christophe Van Gerrewey, assistant tenure track professor.

Architecture continues thanks to the consequential proclamations of its end. The aim of this issue is to examine how this mechanism has worked and continues to work.To refer to the end of architecture is always to redefineits end in the other sense of the word: its purpose, itsmeaning, its finality.

This end is only possible because there is no consensus on what architecture really is, or where it leads. What happens when architecture ends? What was meant by the word architecture no longer exists, or is no longer deemed sufficient, and is transformed, for better or for worse, into something else.

To document or evoke similar moments, this issue of "matières" brings together essays in which an 'end' to architecture - historical or current - is analysed and interpreted.

Authors of the issue
Pier Vittorio Aureli & Marson Korbi, Laura Trazic, Véronique Patteeuw, Pauline Lefebvre, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Geert Bekaert, Alfredo Thiermann, Sébastien Marot, Roberto Gargiani, Éric Lapierre, Bruno Marchand, Luca Ortelli.

Author: EPFL Press / ENAC Communication

Source: Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering | ENAC

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