Mastering multiple complexities in the Swiss innovation models

© 2023 EPFL

© 2023 EPFL

A new report written by Prof. Dominique Foray and co-authors from ETHZ and FNWS entitled "Mastering multiple complexities – a rising challenge for Swiss innovation models" analyzes the decline in innovation activity in Switzerland over the past two decades, particularly in SMEs, and explores the reasons behind it, as well as suggesting possible implications for innovation policies and further research needs.

Despite its top positions in all innovation rankings, Switzerland has seen a decline in innovation activity over the past twenty years. Based on a hearing with some 40 experts, this report analyses the reasons for this decline on the basis of new challenges for innovation such as complexity, competition and regulation, the increasing importance of consumers as well as digitalization and sustainability.

Read the full report published by the SERI (Secretariat for Education, Research & Innovation)