Mastering energy systems in an urban environment

The latest edition of Network Industries Quarterly addresses the topic of Urban Energy Systems. This newsletter is co-directed by Prof. Matthias Finger and published in collaboration with TU Delft and the Florence School of Regulation

Urban energy systems face significant challenges in a fast urbanising world and at the same time technological development creates new opportunities for energy production and management in cities. This double issue is the third in the series focusing on urban infrastructures and covers different aspects of urban energy ranging from photovoltaics to smart grids and from energy demand management to the introduction of energy as alternative currency.

- Photovoltaics in urban energy systems in Europe: current policies and the need for policy change by Ralf Dyllick-Brenzinger and Matthias Finger
The role of PV in European electricity systems is described focusing on urban applications. In this context, challenges associated with rapid PV expansion are delineated and PV support mechanisms are discussed.

- Using energy as currency: e-establishing the bridge between the financial and the real world by Sgouris Sgouridis
The introduction of energy as an alternative currency can be a compelling incentive for meeting renewable energy targets while obtaining the benefits to the local economy that alternative currencies provide.

- Electronics as a means of facilitating the shift towards the smart grid by Theodoros Kyriakidis
The “smart grid” as the future of the power system is discussed. Particularly the role of electronics is highlighted as key in its transformation into an environment of pervasive intelligence.

- Managing urban energy demand by Afshin Afshari
Urban energy modeling can constitute the basis for a decision support platform that helps to design and assess demand-side management measures ahead of implementation. Ongoing research at Masdar Institute is applying this approach to the case of Abu-Dhabi (capital of the UAE).

- Urban energy initiatives: the implications of new urban energy pathways for the UK by Yvonne Rydin, Catalina Turcu, Ksenia Chmutina, Patrick Devine-Wright, Chris Goodier, Simon Guy, Lester Hunt, Scott Milne, Christophe Rynikiewicz, Graeme Sheriff, Jim Watson and Bouke Wiersma
The existing lock-in to centralisation of the UK energy system is being challenged. The CLUES project explores the role of urban energy initiatives and the implications for carbon reductions.

- Peer effect and social learning in micro-generation adoption and urban smarter grids development? by Richard Snape and Christophe Rynikiewicz
The adoption speed and scale of a low-carbon technology (PV) is investigated and the importance of peer effect and social learning for future UK urban energy network de-carbonisation is questioned.

- Management of urban energy systems by Mélanie Guittet
In industrialized countries, more than two-thirds of the energy is consumed in urban areas. Hence, energy sobriety calls for special attention to urban planning, especially regarding energy aspects.

- LTE take-up in the Baltic states and the European context: urban firstby Edvins Karnitis, Andris Virtmanis, Gundega Rutka, Jans Jelinskis
Deployment of the 4G mobile broadband expands starting from urban areas. The experience of the Baltic states’ NRAs would be instructive for other small and medium-size countries, too.