Martin Schuler appointed titular professor

communiqué du 19.04.05, E.B

Martin Schuler, a Swiss national born in 1946, read geography at the Universities of Zurich and Reykjavik, where he wrote his degree thesis on regional migration. In 1973 he joined an office of urbanism and area planning in Zurich, where he worked in the fields of demography and regional policy and participated in infrastructure projects in Switzerland, Iraq and Bhutan. He has been a scientific assistant at the EPFL since 1981, and he also runs his own office specialising in territorial statistics. With his excellent knowledge of Switzerland's spatial, historical, economic and political dimensions, and with the support of efficient research teams, Martin Schuler has contributed to territorial knowledge in Switzerland on a grand scale - from the conception of measures and definitions to be used in social and spatial statistics to sensitive interpretations and elaborate cartographical realisations, as well as the management of research into issues of emigration and mobility, of territorial development and futurology. He is the author of a dozen or so books and of numerous publications, and he has been called upon to help with census projects in the Khirgiz Republic and to represent Switzerland in such international organisations as the OECD, Eurostat and ESPON.

He is also a member of various professional and cultural organisations.