Marco Mondelli winner of the Dan David Prize Scholarship 2015

© 2015 EPFL

© 2015 EPFL

Marco Mondelli, PhD student in the Communication Theory Lab led by Prof Urbanke, was granted a Dan David Prize Scholarship for his research “New Challenges in Coding: Finite Length Performance, Asymmetric Channels, and Multi-Terminal Scenarios”.

The Dan David Prize is a joint international enterprise, endowed by the Dan David Foundation and headquartered at Tel Aviv University, which recognizes and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary research. The Dan David Prize laureates donate 10% of their prize money to graduate students in their respective fields, thereby contributing to the community and fostering a new generation of scholars. Marco Mondelli was also one of the organisers of the Summer School on Information Processing for Large Networks which took place a few weeks ago and attracted 30 students, mostly from EPFL or ETHZ, but also from Spain, Italy, Germany, England).