Mapping with Drones for Natural and Built Environements

© 2016 EPFL

© 2016 EPFL

A Brazilian-Swiss joint workshop on mapping requirements for geomonitoring and infrastructure inspection with drones.

The development of advanced mapping solutions brings new opportunities for research activities in the monitoring of the natural and built environments. Getting access to high quality data on the territory will allow a better understanding of complex phenomena, like the impact of climate change on the environment.

The main objective of this workshop is to share innovative mapping solutions with scientists in Brazil involved in research activity in the fields of natural hazards, management of natural resources and assessment of transportation infrastructures. An adequate understanding of the requirements in accurate mapping is crucial for the analysis and interpretation of natural phenomena and for the monitoring of road infrastructures. The potential offered by advanced mapping technology increases the diversity and amount of geodata, which requires a clarification of the needs before the mission. Specific environmental phenomena due to climate change must be accurately monitored and assessed with the help of geomonitoring tools. Advanced mapping technology can easily provide large amount of data, which can be only useful if their quality is fulfilling the expected requirements.

The main significance of the workshop is the development of a common understanding between technological innovation and their application to environmental issues. Sharing knowledge and expressing precise needs will reinforce the cooperation between system engineering (mapping with drone), environmental science (oceanography) and transport infrastructures. Getting access to high quality geodata will be a key advantage for all the partners and will foster favourable conditions for the definition of new research area. The workshop will also be a platform of exchange with other partners (institutions, national agency, and private company) in Brazil, which will open prospects for the search of funding opportunity.

This workshop is supported by the Brazilian-Swiss Joint Research Programme (BSJRP).