Mahsa Shoaran et Romain Fleury reçoivent un Starting Grant du CER

© 2021 EPFL

© 2021 EPFL

Les professeurs Mahsa Shoaran et Romain Fleury, de l'Institut d'électricité et de microtechnique (IEM) de la Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de l'ingénieur (STI), ont reçu un Starting Grant du Conseil Européen de la recherche (CER). En raison de la non-association de la Suisse à Horizon Europe, leurs projets seront financés par la Suisse (SERI).

La Professeure Mahsa Shoaran, Directrice du Laboratoire de neurotechnologies Intégrées (INL) de l'Institut d'électricité et de microtechnique et du Centre de neuroprothèses, a reçu la subvention pour son projet "SAND ".

Le Professeur Romain Fleury, Directeur du Laboratoire d’ingénierie des ondes (LWE) a reçu la subvention pour pour son projet "ARTISTE".


About SAND:

Neurostimulation is a promising solution for neurological disorders. However, current devices lack sufficient autonomy and intelligence and are far from ideal in terms of efficacy and efficiency. Thanks to this fund, Shoaran and her team will develop smart and chronically viable neurostimulation devices for a wide range of brain disorders. SAND is an enabling platform technology that will facilitate breakthrough therapies in the future. Specifically, SAND will combine artificial intelligence (AI) with ultra-low-power implantable neurotechnology to develop a new generation of closed-loop neural interface microchips capable of delivering effective neurostimulation to suppress disease symptoms. With breakthrough innovations in circuit and algorithm design, SAND will enable a significant reduction in power consumption and form factor of the stimulation device compared to the state-of-the-art, while minimizing the surgical risk of implantation. The development of SAND could significantly advance other closed-loop therapies, such as BMIs to restore motor control and sensory function, closed-loop noninvasive stimulation, and smart wearables.


The ARTISTE project aims at demonstrating a disruptive new class of microwave components with unprecedented immunity to fabrication tolerances, impedance mismatch, geometrical imperfections, or distributed parametric disorder. To reach this level of resilience, I will leverage the physics of non-reciprocity and of anomalous Floquet topological insulators, building artificial non-reciprocal wave networks that exhibit a global property guaranteeing their functionality and efficient reconfigurability. By combining theory, finite-element simulations, additive manufacturing, and precision microwave experiments, I will establish anomalous nonreciprocal topological scattering networks as a new framework for the design of backscattering-immune components such as waveguides, filters, multiplexers, and antennas. By initiating the first applications of topological physics in telecommunication systems, ARTISTE will have ground-breaking impact in microwave design for efficient terrestrial or satellite communication systems.

Les Starting Grants du CER sont accordés chaque année à des chercheurs de toute nationalité et dans tout domaine de recherche, ayant 2 à 7 ans d'expérience dans la recherche après l'obtention de leur doctorat, qui ont un parcours scientifique prometteur et qui présentent une excellente proposition de recherche.Chaque subvention peut atteindre 1,5 million d'euros sur une période de cinq ans.