M. Grangeot wins award at Rob|Arch 2024

© 2024 EPFL

© 2024 EPFL

On May 25th, Maxence Grangeot, PhD candidate at the Structural Xploration Lab and the Lab for Creative Computation, EPFL, presented his latest research at the Rob|Arch 2024 conference organized in Toronto, Canada. As the result of a competitive process and a wonderful talk, he won a "New Frontiers Runner-Up" award for his contribution on the robotic fabrication of walls with reclaimed concrete debris. The presented paper, "Rising from rubble - Leveraging existing construction tools for upcycling concrete waste into slender walls", is co-authored with Qianqing Wang (EESD), Katrin Beyer (EESD), Corentin Fivet (SXL) and Stefana Parascho (CRCL).