Looking back at 2015 (2/3)

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EPFL’s Campus Biotech in Geneva was inaugurated in May. Researchers and students were full of imagination and made remarkable advances in the fields of infectious diseases, quantum technologies, the production of biofuels and rehabilitation.

Official opening and open day at Campus Biotech
22.05.15 - The consortium made up of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the Bertarelli family and Hansjörg Wyss open Campus Biotech on May 22nd, in the presence of federal, cantonal and communal authorities and personalities from the scientific, academic and industrial worlds. On Saturday May 23rd, Campus Biotech opened its doors to the public for one day. Presentations, workshops and conferences had been organised.

Stopping a single enzyme could help treat leukemia

22.06.15 - EPFL scientists show how inactivating a single enzyme could effectively eradicate an aggressive form of leukemia. The principles could apply to other cancers as well.




Gene therapy restores hearing in deaf mice

08.07.15 - Proof-of-principle study takes a step toward precision medicine for genetic hearing loss.





Spintronics just got faster

22.07.15 - In a tremendous boost for spintronic technologies, EPFL scientists have shown that electrons can jump through spins much faster than previously thought.




Using fungi to harvest microalgae for biofuels

21.08.15 - Microalgae are a promising feedstock for biofuels, but current methods of harvesting and dewatering them are unsustainable. Now researchers have shown that growing the algae with certain filamentous fungi to form lichens can reduce both cost and the energy input.



Paralysis: primates recover better than rodents

26.08.15 - Monkeys and humans exhibit greater motor recovery than rats after similar spinal cord injury, according to a study conducted in Grégoire Courtine’s lab at EPFL. The study results have been published in Science Translational Medicine.

Author: Mediacom

Source: EPFL