Link your ORCID profile with EPFL!

EPFL logo © EPFL; ORCID logo ©

EPFL logo © EPFL; ORCID logo ©

Using the new ORCID Integration at EPFL web application, EPFL researchers can now link their EPFL profiles and ORCID Records. Do you want to display your ORCID iD on your page? Do you want to insert your EPFL affiliation into your ORCID resume? Use our online application to take care of both, and forget about boring copy-and-paste!

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a worldwide non-profit organization created with the objective to connect researchers and to enable collaboration in global scholarship. It provides researchers with a unique identifier (the ORCID iD) plus a mechanism to link it with their research outputs and activities - the so-called ORCID Record. ORCID is used by many publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services, so that authenticated information can be “entered once and reused often”.

EPFL Library has developed a web application (accessible on the EPFL network or through VPN) where any EPFL collaborator can match their ORCID iD with their identity in the EPFL directories. If you agree to use it, which is not mandatory, your ORCID iD and a link to your ORCID Record will be displayed next to your name on Additionally, we will insert one or more valid EPFL affiliations of your choice into your ORCID Record and keep them up-to-date with trusted information (i.e. we will update your employment years for you). Note that the visibility of these elements is entirely under your control.

Integrating ORCID into the EPFL information system will help to facilitate the exchange of information about research activities and hopefully to reduce the burden of data entry associated with scientific publications, project proposals, etc.

If you have any questions or comments, we are of course ready to answer your e-mails at