Lecture at the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris

Maria Gracia Riera Pérez, PhD student at the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST) was invited on 6th November to give a lecture within the framework of the seminar "Urban renovation" at the Ecole des ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP). Based on on-going research, the lecture was entitled "Urban renewal strategies in a perspective of sustainability".

Founded in 1959, the EIVP is at the same time an engineering school and a research laboratory on urban issues. The school leads a dual teaching mission, initial and continuing, as well as a research mission. Nearly 100 engineers in urban engineering graduate each year through EIVP at the end of a three years' study period during which sustainable urban development constitutes the lead wire of the teaching.

In this optic, Maria Gracia Riera Pérez was invited for a presentation on the processes of urban renewal at neighborhood level. To offer credible alternatives to the continuation of urban sprawl, densification operations in existing neighborhoods are necessary at middle term. They appear as an opportunity for simultaneous integration of socio-cultural, economic and environmental criteria in urban areas, but also have significant operational complexity.