Laurent Vulliet appointed to the Federal Geological Commission

Laurent Vuillet is full professor at EPFL. © EPFL / iStock
Laurent Vulliet, full professor at the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics at ENAC School, has just been appointed by the Federal Council as a member of the Federal Geological Commission for the period 2020-2023.
The Federal Council has renewed the extra-parliamentary bodies for the period 2020 -2023. In this context, it has appointed Laurent Vulliet, full professor at the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics and member of the Federal Geological Commission, for the period 2020-2023, as indicated in a press release.
"I am very honoured by this appointment and look forward to contributing to the Confederation's overall strategy," says Laurent Vulliet. "The themes are numerous and range from the exploitation of hydrogeological resources, in particular for renewable energies, to the use of underground space for mobility and urban planning, as well as the management of natural hazards, landslides or earthquakes."
The Federal Geological Commission (FGC) is a permanent extra-parliamentary commission that advises the Federal Council on issues related to applied geology. It issues opinions on geological issues of principle to the Federal Council and the departments of the Federal Administration, provides geological bases for important decisions and carries out geological surveys in complete neutrality. The commission is composed of 10 experts from outside the administration. The secretariat of the commission is provided by the Federal Office of Topography.
Laurent Vulliet is a professor of soil mechanics at EPFL. He was head of the former civil engineering department and first dean of the ENAC School. In addition to his work at EPFL, he sits on various boards of directors and foundations and provides independent expert services in geotechnics, risk management and corporate governance.