Keynote lecture at the US Rock Mechanics Symposium

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© 2024 EPFL

Prof. Brice Lecampion has given one of the four keynote lectures at the 58th US Rock Mechanics Symposium organized by the American Rock Mechanics Association in Golden, Colorado from June 23 to 26th.

The American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Symposium is the largest congress of Rock Mechanics in North America, with more than 900 participants this year. It is the primary conference combining academic and industrial research in geomechanics.

Brice's lecture has covered recent developments in the mechanics of fluid-driven ruptures. He notably has discussed the strong effect of material anisotropy on the propagation of hydraulic fractures - with important implications for the containment of hydraulic fractures. Brice has also presented recent work performed at the Geo-Energy Lab on fluid-induced fault slip, a critical topic in relation to both geothermal developments and CO2 geological storage.


G. Lu, S. Momeni, C. Peruzzo, F.-E. Moukhtari, and B. Lecampion. Rock anisotropy promotes hydraulic fracture containment at depth. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 129(4):e2023JB028011, 2024.

A. Sáez and B. Lecampion. Post-injection aseismic slip as a mechanism for the delayed triggering of seismicity. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 479(2273):20220810, 2023.

 A. Sáez and B. Lecampion. Fluid-driven slow slip and earthquake nucleation on a slip-weakening circular fault. J. Mech. Phys. Sol., 105506, 2024.