Journal CHIMIA
This month’s issue of CHIMIA is entirely dedicated to LACUS
This month’s issue of CHIMIA is entirely dedicated to LACUS and features a collection of articles presenting the capabilities of this facility by several LACUS groups (Chimia 5/2017, Vol. 71).
- Editorial by Prof. Majed Chergui
- Harmonium: An Ultrafast Vacuum Ultraviolet Facility by C. Arrell et al. (LSU and LSE)
- Time-resolved ARPES at LACUS by A. Crepaldi et al. (LSE and LSU)
- Aqueous Nanoscale Systems by S. Roke (LBP)
- Semiclassical Approaches Time-resolved Spectroscopy by J. Vanicek (LCPT)
- LOUVRE: Ultrafast Ultraviolet Spectroscopies by M. Oppermann et al. (LSU)
- Ultrafast Lasers to Tailor Material by Y. Bellouard (GALATEA)