Jon Graves appointed Editor-in-Chief of a plasma and fusion journal

J. Graves in Bristol © 2023 IOP
The Swiss Plasma Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Jonathan Graves as the new Editor-in-Chief of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, a major scientific journal. (See also the original news from the Journal)
Jonathan Graves shares his time between EPFL, where he is continuing his research work, and the University of York (UK) where he is Chair of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas. He conducted his doctoral studies in theoretical plasma physics at Culham laboratory in Oxfordshire, obtaining his Ph.D. in Theoretical Mechanics from the University of Nottingham. After a short sojourn in industry, he has spent more than twenty years at EPFL working in various areas in magnetic confined fusion, including, in particular, the modelling of auxiliary heating and energetic particle physics in tokamaks and stellarators. He has led fusion experiments at the Joint European Torus (JET), and has served on expert panels and advisory committees for EUROfusion and the UK government. This experience has enabled, for example, the supervision of Ph.D. projects across various topics at EPFL and York, though these areas embrace only a small fraction of the coverage of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF).
Jonathan takes over the role of Editor-in-Chief from his predecessor Richard Dendy who led PPCF for the last 18 years. Jonathan said of his appointment "I am honoured to take on the role as Editor-in-Chief of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. These are very exciting times, world records in laboratory plasma performance have been shattered, and we are seeing unprecedented interest and funding from private investors and governments across the world. Through expanding and diversifying our editorial board we will continue to ensure that PPCF publishes outstanding research in inertial confinement fusion, magnetic confinement fusion, and fully ionised plasmas in nature. While maintaining the long publishing traditions of PPCF, the editorial board looks forward to hosting new special issues, and webinars, with an aim of enabling germination of new ideas and cross fertilisation through the many areas that PPCF covers".
The SPC and IOP Publishing are thrilled that Jonathan Graves has agreed to lead Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion through this next stage, and we would like to thank him in advance for all the commitment he will devote to this new role.
News based on the original news published on the Journal web site.

About Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
PPCF covers all aspects of the physics of hot, highly ionised plasmas. This includes results of current experimental and theoretical research on all aspects of the physics of high-temperature plasmas and of controlled nuclear fusion, including the basic phenomena in highly-ionised gases in the laboratory, in the ionosphere and in space, in magnetic-confinement and inertial-confinement fusion as well as related diagnostic methods.
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